Casa Program

2.5 years - 6 years

The Casa program at Manor Montessori offers a flexible and supportive learning environment. It is in this 3-year program where we see an explosion in the desire and ability to learn. The Casa classroom is designed to encourage the development of new skills through exploration and manipulation of Montessori materials, collaboration, and self-paced instruction.

Our Casa Educators support and encourage students to choose their own work and set their own work pace. Students flourish and grow in this environment, surpassing traditional school standards academically, socially and emotionally. Children as young as 3 ½ begin to read words and books and the 4 operations of mathematics (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) are introduced and worked on throughout the program.

Casa Program Highlights

  • Practical Life exercises introduce the child to following a sequence of movements to finish a piece of work. Through work with these materials, the child develops focus, control and coordination of movement, awareness of his/her environment, orderly thought patterns, independent work habits, and responsibility.

  • The sensorial materials focus on developing the child’s ability to equate certain attributes to objects. i.e., colour, length, texture, smell. The child will sort things by size, shape, color, touch, sound, temperature and weight. The Manor Montessori sensorial apparatus allows the child to classify sensorial impressions in an organized, orderly, and scientific manner.

  • Children begin learning phonetic sounds and formation of letters through the use of the sandpaper letters. They progress to creating words using the Movable Alphabet and then learn how to write letters. Children are then introduced to phonograms and sight words.

    At this point, the child will begin by taking home phonetic word books and will then graduate to the reading series. As the child progresses he/she will be introduced to basic grammar.

  • Children begin the study of Mathematics by learning the symbols from 1 to 10 and at the same time he/she learns the quantities from 1 to 10 - and then they are associated. This process is continued all the way through, to 1000.

    Once the child knows the teens they are presented with the addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division operations in a concrete form. When working on these operations the child literally carries, borrows and changes the quantities involved. Fractions are also introduced to the child.

  • Culture is made up of several different subject areas: Botany, Zoology, Geography, Music, History etc. The child will learn about the world around them through various Montessori materials. The use of puzzle maps, atlases and globes allow the child to learn the many different aspects of a continent or the name of a particular country.

  • Manor Montessori recognizes that music is an integral part of our cultural experience.

    The Montessori bells are in the classrooms for the children to learn various melodies, scales and tunes.

    Children also learn the names of the different instruments and explore their different sounds.

    The children sing every day during our group gathering and work hard to prepare a musical presentation for the annual Winter Concert.

  • A healthy mind needs a healthy body. The Casa children have one and a half hours of outside play every day. Most years the school has also integrated a skating program that runs through second term. Once a week, the children are bussed to the local skating rink where qualified instructors teach them to skate.

  • The Casa children go on two excursions off campus. (i.e. a farm and Center Island ) In addition, special guests come into the school to speak and do demonstrations for the children (i.e. TSO, Lenny Graf, Fire Dept., Police, Humane Society etc.) .

Meet our Casa Teachers

  • Ruby Sider


  • Jessica Protacio


  • Sarah Pak-Sun


  • Kathi Fujino


  • Tara Bowler