Toddler Program
18 months - 2.5 yrs
The Toddler program at Manor Montessori is inherently different from traditional daycare: it is a place for active individualized learning and development. The classroom is calm and organized and designed with purpose to allow for self-discovery. Students learn at their own pace with hands-on materials that introduce them to academic concepts. In the Toddler classroom students are empowered to take care of themselves, others, and their environment. Dressing themselves, cleaning up, lending a hand to a friend and helping to take care of the classroom are ways in which students build independence and confidence.

Toddler Program Highlights
Gross motor are developed through activities like outdoor time, yoga, bean bag toss, outdoor climbers, building blocks, walking on a line, and carrying materials around the class.
Fine motor and hand eye coordination skills are also strengthened in this environment through activities like pasting, cutting, tong and puzzle activities.
Children begin to learn their phonetic sounds using the Montessori sandpaper letters.
Math skills are enriched through a variety of counting songs, counting games, counting art exercises and the Montessori sandpaper numbers.
Visual Arts and Music are integrated into all the different areas of development.
The Toddler room is where your child begins to learn about caring for themselves, others, their classroom and the environment.
We learn respect and empathy for others, respect for other’s work, sharing, and taking turns.
Toddlers are guided in learning to caring for themselves and understanding themselves. They learn how to wash their hands, use the toilet, get dressed and clean up after themselves. This helps build confidence and independence.
Daily Schedule
8:00 - 8:45 Before school play time
8:45 - 10:15 Circle, Program* & Snack
10:15 - 11:10 Recess or Indoor Gross Motor
11:20 - 12.10 Lunch
11:30 Half Day Dismissal
12:20 - 2:20 Wash Up & Nap/Quiet Time
2:20 - 4:00 Recess, Circle, Program* & Snack
3:30 - 4:30 Afterschool program
* Program time entails classroom activities, Montessori materials, singing, arts & crafts, group snack, circle time, gross motor playtime outside, etc.
Meet our Toddler Teachers
Precious Ignacio
Se-rong Hong